
Showing posts from 2018

How the motion comes into Animation

“The frequency at which frames in a television picture, film, or video sequence are displayed.” This is how our good friend Google defines Framerates. These are generally measured in frames per second, or FPS for short. Now avid Gamers will probably be very familiar with that term, as higher framerates were and still are one of the main reasons PC users declare their system superior to consoles, calling them filthy console plebeians while honoring themselves with the title of the glorious PC-Masterrace. But as the title suggests, we aren’t here to discuss the antics and to comment on that odd fight that takes place inside the community of gaming. So, let's discuss the promised topic: How does the motion come to be in TV-produced anime? The short answer is: it’s the result of the hard work of many different people. On that account let's take a quick dive into the production of anime, or precisely which staff members are involved in creating the animation for anime.